Ecovillage Georgia Team
Who Are We?
We are a collective of approximately 20 individuals, hailing from both Georgia and various parts of the world. Our common values and shared lifestyles unite us across our diverse backgrounds. As members have joined and departed, they have consistently enriched our group with fresh ideas and energy.
Over time, we’ve cultivated a broad and varied network of individuals interested in our mission, who continue to provide us with valuable support.
As time has passed, our core group has grown more cohesive and well-prepared to execute our plans and extend our reach. We are confident in our ability to pursue our objectives and expand our group further.
We operate as a non-hierarchical organization where decisions are reached through a consent-based process. Our approach is guided by the internationally recognized governance system known as ‘Sociocracy,’ specifically designed to foster effective group collaboration while ensuring that every individual’s perspective is valued and respected.
Core Group Members

Nini Khuroshvili
Nini had been living and working in different types of communities since 2017. She had been involved in the Ecovillage Georgia project since the very beginning. Nowadays she is researching Ecovillage movements and also traditional healing practices in rural Georgia. She works as a freelance book designer/artist and as a project coordinator and facilitator.

Giorgi Tchotchua
Giorgi has a BA in Eco-tourism management and MA in Intercultural communication. Currently, he is working on PhD thesis regarding sustainable tourism models. His field of interest is sustainable technologies such as wind or solar powered appliances, recycling, upcycling and ecological ways of sanitation. Giorgi had been living and visiting different communities in Europe and India. He had been part of Ecovillage Georgia since 2017.

Ia Mikiashvili
Ia is interested in how tourism can contribute to rural societies, serving as a means of development and education. She is actively working to integrate community-based tourism approaches into the tours she organizes. Since 2021, she has been captivated by the concept of ecovillages and is enthusiastic about the prospect of living in and creating a sustainable environment in rural Georgia.

Mirja Tiedemann​
Mirja worked as an intercultural trainer for many years. Since 2017 she has been traveling around in her van as a digital nomad, working as a freelance copywriter and shepherdess. She volunteered in many different projects and is especially interested in ecological housebuilding, sustainable ways of living and upcycling. She follows those principles already in her vanlife.

Bjarne Gantzel Pedersen​
Since 2011, Bjarne has been captivated by the idea of ecovillages. He loves the close-knit community life, his exploration of ecovillages and sustainable living has become a big part of his life, influenced by various interests and experiences. He has a MSc. in Sustainable Cities and wrote his master thesis on Sustainable Villages, how to bridge municipal climate agenda with local residents.

Anna Samwel
Anna is dedicated to contribute to a more sustainable and just world. Living in and visiting traditional and intentional communities across Europe have shown her the love for land and community. She lives in a small West Georgian town where she co-runs the family's organic farm. With a background in Biology and Development cooperation, she also works for an ecofeminist non-profit network. Her interests are in a.o. sustainable development, child led learning and participatory decision-making processes. She is eager to move to the Ecovillage with her family and other like -minded people.

Jana Porazik
Jana is a German who has been living in Georgia since 2017, working with children and accompanying them in different ways. Her vision is to create an environment in which children and adults can meet each other equally, exchange thoughts/ideas and develop lively learning processes. Since her own childhood, she has had the desire to live in community with like-minded people who appreciate and respectfully live with nature, other living beings and spirits. Jana and her partner Lika have contributed to an Ecovillage Project since early 2022.

Samuel Ralet
Sam has learned stone masonry and carving in France and has been working to renovate historical monuments for years. He is interested and very good at building with natural materials, and 3D modeling. This is why he is a major team player in Ecovillage infrastructure circle.

Lili Sherina
Lili keeps track of all questions relating to finance, legal issues and project management. After studying geography and tourism, she discovered her passion for her current profession and has been head of office management in a social organization in Georgia for many years. Lili's desire for an independent life and the freedom to express her uniqueness finally led her to the Ecovillage Project.
Amelia Stewart
Guide, Consultant, Collaborator
Tekla Tevdorashvili
Artist, Activist, DJ, Videomaker
Nina Javshanashvili
Label manager, event producer
Paata Kiria
Organic Farmer
Mikheil Lionidze
Software Developer
Oliver Lammers
Student, Tour Guide, Industrial Management Assistant
Community Organizer
Polina Shubina
Cultural Manager
Elene Duduchava
Visual Storyteller, Social Media Manager
Mikheil Davitashvili
Community Organizer
Linda Seewald
Specialist for Intercultural and Non-violent
Mariam Bichiashvili
Ozan Can Selcuk
PHD Candidate Psychology
Sofia Iarghanashvili
Psychological Consultant, Hatha yoga Teacher
Andie Nemsitsveridze
Psychologist, Tarot reader
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Interested in our project?
Whether you’re interested in becoming a resident in the village, volunteering, or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d love to hear from you.